All Hoodoo oils have a base of cold pressed organic almond oil.
Variant Healing: For small wounds, small bug bites, and bug repellent. This blend includes calendula, lavender, and chamomile. Healing for mind, body, and spirit.
Lavender - Love, synergy, relaxation, protection
Calendula - Healing
Tea Tree - Healing
peppermint oil
Directions: Apply topically to anoint person, place, or thing.
Here you can browse and purchase a blend of herbs dedicated to specific health aliments. I am no doctor, but the data will be linked to peer reviewed study on the herbs and its uses. Make sure to consult with a doctor to make sure you are not allergic to anything you're applying.
Variant Manifest:
Conjuring your dreams just became a bit easier by anointing this oil. The ingredients involved were used to enhance the ritual of the crown to manifest dreams into reality.
Mint- enhance psychic ability
Yarrow - Divination
Forget me knots - purple crown chakra
featuring- forget me nots
patchouli essential oil
Crystal: Amethyst
ingredients defined under Vodun, Vodou/ Hoodoo
good nights
Variant Love:
Self care is self importance. Bringing love to the epicenter of your orbit.
Jasmine- love
Roses- love, attraction, romance
Rose Quartz- unconditional love and support
Lily- scientifically proven to balance ph balance to improve skin irregularities and impurities.
Protect your mind, body, and spirit.
Eucalyptus: Protection, breaking bad habits
Lavender: Protection, love, synergy
Globe Amaranth
Four leaf Clover - Luck
Pine-Pine- General good luck, Luck in gambling (probability)
Cinnamon- Protection, cleansing, blessing, health.
Lemon balm - General luck of love
sandlewood oil
Ancient Kmt/Egypt Offering
To Honor and praise. Just like the Morning Offering/Nourishment Kemetic priests would wake in the morning and dress statues, ankhs, crystals in oils and fragrance. Treat your hair, skin, and nails the same. Made with some of the same herbs and fragrances that the Ancients loved best.
blue water lily
cedar wood oil
**Please be advised I am not a doctor. These products are not tested by the FDA and I hold no responsibility for the manner they are utilized.