Climate Justice
The scientific evidence is overwhelming, we need to do more about climate change. Forrest fires, melting ice caps, rising sea levels, the disintegration of the great barrier reef. Some of the effects of climate change will have consequential social and ecological threats to our very existence. As the growing questions loom about Trump's pick for the head of the environmental protection agency, Scott Pruitt. We made it our duty to be the change.
You are the solution. Make better judgment calls to reduce your carbon footprint. Here are few more tips and things we could do to help the earth and each other:
Increase renewable energy sources
Divest in fossil fuels
Volunteer for clean and renewable energy initiatives
Fight to put a price on carbon pollution
Work with or find out more about the green party
We all could do better, make your voice heard. Take the stand and let it be known you want a 100% clean change. For more information visit